Movie Review: Barking Dogs Never Bite
Friday, April 24, 2009, 10:49 PM
Barking Dogs Never Bite (Korea 2000)

Alriiight, as you can see this is a Korean black comedy which I found strangely entertaining.

The protagonist is a soon-to-be father, Yoon-ju(Lee Seong-jae), who wishes to become a professor, but is struggling with life. He has almost no income, an overdominating pregnat wife and feels as though his life isn't really going anywhere he wants it to.
Yoon-ju lives in a large apartment block where many of his neighbors have dogs, although they aren’t allowed too as it goes against the 'No Dog' policy.
Eventually a dog’s constant loud yelping gets to his head so he goes outside to track it down and 'deal with it'. After a few failed attempts he locks it in a cupboard in the boiler room and from there, everything escalates.

The other main character in the film is Hyun-nam (Bae Du Na), who is desperate to become famous and escape the reality of her current life. She is a clerk who has trouble staying at her desk and would rather be outside.
Hyun-nam and a friend get involved in all the rukus when she sees a man throwing a dog off the top of a building.

There are many unusal characters that make this plot just that so much more odd. The writer did a good job on the plot as it remains rather unpredictable and the audience is always questioning what is going to happen. It also incorporates the different characters well.

This movie is weird, and does not try to be a “laugh out loud” kind of humor, but there are just those scenes that you just can’t help yourself. This ain't no american slapstick.

- However, one thing that I hated about the movie was the Jazz soundtrack which wasn’t very fitting, and at times I was forced to mute the TV. It hurted my ears >:(

But other than that it, was an interesting movie and was very weird.
I enjoyed it and its worth a watch ;]

Note: There are some cute doggy abuse scenes, but is says that no animals were harmed - apparently >_>"

, 10:27 PM

A . N . Z . A . C. D A Y

May they rest in peace.

For those who haven't done history yet, you’ll see just how depressing war is.
Since being more educated on the matter, I’ve grown a greater love for this country and its people.
especially for those who risked their lives, being sent to the likelyhood of death and experiencing the horror that they did.

War is simply not the answer, even though by instinct it appears to be.

If we are truly better than animals, which we claim to be, were is the proof?
So what we have medicine, engineering initiative and technology on a whole?
We severely lack the basic evolution of ourselves - the very foundation of our society.
Before we can move forwards we need to change our values and attitudes so things so primal such as war, rape and murder does
not happen.

Only then would we truly move forwards as a collective.
Only then should we have true pride in our species.
Only then
MAY WE CLAIM to be better than animals.

And my perspective on the human race remains: how fucking stupid are we?
Even though at the very same time we are quite the amazing creatures.


Dylan Moooraan =]
Monday, April 20, 2009, 12:11 AM

♥ Russell Brand’s Ponderland starts on Wednesday, finally!
I’m still waiting for his lovely interview in the Sunday Mag.
Haha, new clippings for my notice board!
Although his new show is at 10:30pm, the ghost hour.
I just hope that it’s good; I’ve seen bits of it and it has been okay.
Pretty much: You either love him or hate him

♥Currently, I have an emoticon desktop toy installed. Its actually pretty cool.
Its face changes faces when you click on it and as you can see in the pictures.
It goes funny when you swing it across the desktop :)

Got it from DA aka Deviantart.

But on a more EXTREME NOTE:



That drunken Irish git from Black books,

That guy who is 38 years old and looks like he is 7,

That guy with decent hair so you can stand looking at him for a few hours straight

I’m seeing 'that guy' on the 15th of Maaay.
I’m going with my mum, since no one here seems to like him that much.
But it’ll be a good chance to bond =]

Its also funy how most of my favourite comedians are old enough to be my dad
(a young dad I must say though!)

I’m currently sitting on the top level of the State Theatre, Row B seats 30-31
Hope I can still see him ^_^

Manly Pictures
Sunday, April 19, 2009, 3:11 AM

Here are some sexy photos from yesterday :)
It was actually my first outting all holidays, without family.
Anyways, check Emma's blog for the details on our adventures.

Lol, yes, I DID photoshop them
Just fixed up the color a tad ;]
But yeah, I'll be posting them on Deviantart, when I bother to go on.
Which I haven't been on for ages.
Last time i checked I had almost 300 unread messages.

All these pics are copyrighted from now >>""

Comment me in ze CBOX xD


Roads are Two Sided
, 12:24 AM

I travel down a black snake
A black snake halved by a cotton thread
A dichotomy of sides
That holds us together.

Cotton thread stitched through and through
But one loose thread
Can sign the end
Venture alone along the dark road

You can only drive so far
Among the endless ash
Towards the unknown space
That we all see

But only so far
Only so far
Before we are forced to cross the threshold
To the other side of the black lagoon.

But only so far
Only so far
Before I fall to the icy pits
Beneath my very soles

Why don’t you help me up?
I promise you
That I truly care
Just trust me

But you say no.
A simple no
Until you turn away
Hide away

So I cling to the last loose thread
As I have driven only so far
I cannot move forwards
Until you help me up

Help me understand.

Things To Do Before I Die
Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 4:28 AM
Elaborating on Emma's post...

♥ Things to Do Before I Die
Save a life
Meet my Heroes
Find "my special place"
Fall in Love
Hitch-hike across the World
Take Part in a Revolution
Be a Groupie
Learn a good Jack Sparrow Impersonation
Put a sign up on a drive throu intercom:"Yell To Order"
Do at least 3 of those elevator pranks
Write A Book
A shopping spree…A PROPER ONE
Kick someone in the balls.
Donate Blood
Get high
Tour with a band/ be in that band
Live with the Native Americans
Get a lip piercing
Go on the Radio again
Break a World Record
Be on TV
Enter Australian Idol with something stupid – [Oompa Loompas?]
Model for something cool
Get a pet
Experience zero gravity
Get a Twitter message from Russell Brand and brag about it to Ali
See a ghost/ go to a haunted house
Swim with dolphins
Tell all the people I hate to FUCK OFF

Yeah…you all get the idea :)

Elevator Pranks .x
, 1:24 AM
Came across this word document whilst going through my folders.
I'm so doing these.
Enjoy =]


1. Crack open your briefcase or handbag, peer inside, and ask, "Got enough
air in there?"

2. Stand silent and motionless in the corner facing the wall without
getting off.

3. When arriving at your floor, grunt and strain to yank the doors open,
then act as if you're embarrassed when they open themselves.

4. Greet everyone with a warm handshake and ask him or her to call you

5. Meow occasionally.

6. Stare at another passenger for a while. Then announce in horror: "You're
one of THEM" - and back away slowly

7. Say DING at each floor.

8. Say "I wonder what all these do?" And push all the red buttons.

9. Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button.

10. Stare, grinning at another passenger for a while, then announce: "I
have new socks on."

11. When the elevator is silent, look around and ask: "Is that your

12. Try to make personal calls on the emergency phone.

13. Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to the other
passengers: "This is my personal space."

14. When there's only one other person in the elevator, tap them on the
shoulder, then pretend it wasn't you.

15. Push the buttons and pretend they give you a shock. Smile, and go back
for more.

16. Ask if you can push the button for other people but push the wrong

17. Hold the doors open and say you're waiting for your friend. After a
while, let the doors close and say "Hi Greg, How's your day been?"

18. Drop a pen and wail until someone reaches to help pick it up, then
scream: "That's mine!"

19. Bring a camera and take pictures of everyone in the lift.

20. Pretend you're a flight attendant and review emergency procedures and
exits with the Passengers.

21. Swat at flies that don't exist.

22. Call out "Group hug" then enforce it .

Get a Life
Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 8:18 PM
12:42 calls at night aren’t exactly fun
When your almost about to fall asleep


Your fucking ring tone goes off.

To be met with a bunch of fucked up questions
You can’t answer anything wittily since you’re half dead in the brain
You can hear people laughing at you.

Not that I care.
But fuck,
I’ve found out how wonderful the ‘silent’ option is.

It makes me laugh, though.
It is quite funny
But seriously,
It took me another hour or two to fall asleep after that.

You guys should seriously consider getting a life.


Ignorance Is Bliss
, 1:04 AM
My child self
Looks out to the world
To see the dancing colors
Linger across her eyes

A sweet smile grows
Carving a way through her lips
“How pretty” she whispers
As she intakes the scene

Stumbling oversized gumboots
She wonders over to the flowers
Where the bumble bee tumbles
Across the petals with fuzzy rumps

S h e s t a r e s i n g l e e

Little does she know that the buzz
Can cause a painful prick
But onwards she smiles

Amongst the nature tassels
High above holds a crimson contrast
An illuminating beacon
Catches her attention

With a little gasp
She outstretches her arm

With a little gasp
She stands on her tiptoes

With a little gasp
She outlines the petals with one finger

With a little gasp
She clasps it all in her hand

With a gasp
She falls

On the ground she clutches
Hand to eyes
Blood dribbles down
Pit-pat to the ground

S h e s t a r e s, l o s t

“Why Beautiful Rose, why?”
Strewn with betrayal
“I only wanted to see your beauty”
Infected by naivety

My child self
Looks out to the world
Her little spark lost in the reflection of my eyes
Staring out to the remaining grey

A mean scowl grows
Carving a way through her lips
“How ugly” she whispers
As she intakes the tragedy


Dylan Moraaaaaan
Saturday, April 11, 2009, 3:02 AM

I love you.
Look at his pudgy little face!! xx.
And he is just so funny. Check out his stand up on utube.
He sounds like he is permanently high <3

Don't fret Russ.
I still
love you too!
haha, you too noel.

Friday, April 10, 2009, 7:12 PM
Mosman actually has pretty good shops.
I never shop in Mosman, I have Chatswong and the Mall to do that.

I was in Mosman yesterday and I saw a few really hot clothing stores.
For one of the shoe shops, they were selling the shoes at a significantly marked down price from the original. The only catch is that these shoes are ITALIAN and that means that the mark down is still incredibly expensive!
The cheapest there were flats for $100.
If only they had fakes, not real leather.

I’m going to possibly buy a dress and pop into Vinnies on Tuesday :)

I was watching “monsters vs aliens” and there were little kids everywhere =.=.
I was explaining my story of how once I went to see a movie there was a bunch of retarded people who sat next to me and kept laughing all the time. I was comparing how annoying they were to the little kids.

But little did I know that there was someone like that in the row in front of me.
And he turned around after I said that.
AND he was with his mum, who probably heard as well.
I felt so fucking guilty after that.

Mr Somerton was right about using that term when you didn’t know people’s background. I mean I guess its ok when your at school, and know no one is like that, or people use it so much it really looses its meaning.
But I really should stop using the word “retard”
Even though its just a habit to come out of my mouth.
I could always say “Dumb Shit’?
Hahaha Fi :)

Overall, the movie was okay.
Its one of those movie's you'd watch as a filler for time or just remember your kid-ian days.


Just Fuck It
Thursday, April 9, 2009, 3:13 AM

Just Fuck it.

That is my motto.

Just fuck it I say,

Just Fuck it.

I never used to see life this way.

It is something that is one of the most insensitive things to think. Something that is merely based on impulse. Something that in turn implies, most significantly, not caring.

Not caring.

Not caring.

But why should we c a r e?

About all the comformities to life.

Why should we care what others think of us.

Fuck em.

They have no right to judge, even though we all do.

And WHEN they do, who cares?

The magic word, 'who cares'?

I d o.

I d o c a r e .

Who cares what you are like, there is no need to justify yourself.

Justify yourself

I h a v e to.

And that is my fault.

That is why I’ve adopted

Just Fuck it


Fuck it says the drug user going into relapse

Fuck it. He says.

These words shape you.

They can either lead you into a life of loose morals or onto a whole different path altogether – an adventure.

Loose morals, I am a f r a i d of entering.

I'm tingering along now, confused where I should ever draw the line

Some factors of me, are bad. I can see.

Parts of me that need

C h a n g e

I need to fix myself up

Before I truly do something stupid

I admire those who live life to the full

S p o n t a n e i t y

I admire those who hold a respectful genuinity among them

A H u m a n b e i n g

I admire those who carry on to do things they love to do,

R e g a r d l e s s o f t h e c r i t i s i s m

People who don’t find the rules of society a reason to say “NO

I find the act of spontaneity inspirational.
The idea of one day thinking “You know what? I’m just gonna travel all the way across the world, just because I can!”


Fuck it, lets go.

Lets have fun.

We are going to live life only once, take advantage of that.

And that is how I currently see the world.

It shields you from harsh.

It lets you embrace everything that happens.

Today, if anything bad happens, I’ll be partly grateful to have experienced it, even though it may be something I never would have wanted.

It seriously provides a powerful new outlook on life.

But as you know, “fucking it” can lead to a dangerous path.

Loose morals.

And until I mentally sorted out what I believe is appropriate or not, I truly should not be applying this term.

I a m c o n f u s e d .

Questioning the societes comformity

A l l t h e t i m e .

And my motto isn’t:

Just Fuck it, I don’t care


Just Fuck it, lets do it.

Secret Keeper
Monday, April 6, 2009, 2:11 AM

Okay, I have made an decision to be a better secret keeper.

I personally think I’m good at keeping secrets, but sometimes I justify just how important they are and tell possibly one of my closest friends, which of course they never utter again. Most of the time, these aren’t even secrets. Just facts that I’m repeating and others already know and have been told. This is of course can lead to be dangerous (most people do this anyway), but i only really talk about the harmless gossip and I certainly don’t start rumors!!

So in turn I am a “dead end” which has a little secret door that leads to nowhere.
But for my own sake, I’m going to try and keep it just at the “dead end” part which I do know I can

I just find it damaging to see that others find me untrustworthy, when I have always believed otherwise but have not really seen myself clearly.
But I am happy to hear that so I can improve.

And this is the oath I take upon myself.

To be a better person on a whole


HEY MONI, here is my picture of the jewelry stand I have at home. Horrible picture I know, and I’m sorry.

Hope you get the idea.

Yes, me and Moni are making the exact same jewelry stand for our steel structures tech assignment.


I also had this epic idea of the oversized top hat from the monopoly game and to possibly either use it as a bin or to wear it :)

Haha, awesome aye?

Well, I must rush off now.

I have finished my speech for tomorrow and I need to write my ONE palm card that MR Q is letting us use.

I have some good ideas courtesy of friends:

- Put on a fake arm (inflatable?) and pretend your hand is super swollen.

- Write bullet points on arm plus on the card

Hmm, I just hope Mr Q won’t give me such a hard time, not that I care. I bet he’ll be like.. “Now that wasn’t so bad, was it? You didn’t need you safety blanky..”

Saftey blanky refers to the fact that I need to have the WHOLE speech written out. I don’t read off it but it helps me remember. I’ve never used only bullet points before >_>

Overall, I actually like Mr Q though :) Even though he can act a bit cruel, whatever.

Nighty, night!


E f f y
Sunday, April 5, 2009, 12:50 AM
I have just realised
There is at least one other person in the world that knows some sort of secret about me.
This means that I am really hiding nothing.
Not that I have anything worthy of a secret.
This kind of scares me.
Does this mean that I trust people too much?
Or does this mean that I have such a boring life that nothing is worthy of keeping a secret all to myself?

Effy has the most sexiest clothes.
I need to steal them!
Apparently most of the stuff comes from Top Shop and some random vintage stores in the UK.

THIS pisses me off so much!
Why is Australia so deprived of chain shops such as Top Shop and Hot Topic!
This pushes my buttons.

<----- check out her eyes. Aren't they just gorgeous? Kaya is so pretty. Anyways, I was trying to find a tutorial on how to do eye makeup like that and found a really awesome Make up artist on youtube!!
She is a proffessional with her own brand coming out/ is out.
I admire her. She is really cool too :)
She uses a variety of brands so she is a good reviewer. Go check her out if your interested!
And she does different looks of celebrities so you can do it yourself.

I must run along.
Goodbyes for tonight!


First Rant
Saturday, April 4, 2009, 9:38 PM
Gah, i've become one of you!
As Jackie says, I'm learning the ways of the China men.

Ok, first up:
- Do you like my profile ?
Took me ages to awesomeifiy it. I got the background from hybrid-genesis, just if you wannt to know. They have really cool textures and stuff :)
I still don't get how to get blog skins...when I try and save a template it says that something is wrong with the script o_O

ZOMG. English >_<
I'm doing a speech on Euthanasia - Its at 5 minutes and I"m having trouble cutting down =/

-Mandatory Internet Filter

I know what your thinking...Where is all the personal stuff?
Well when something of interest that I CAN post on this blog comes up...come by.

If you don't know Euthanasia: its where you get injected with stuff and die, but is only used in a medical sense.
For eg, when someone has terminal cancer and wants to end their life before the onset of pain and where they wish to die with dignity. Here they can say their goodbyes to their loved ones with them remembering a smilling happy person compared to someone who is too ill to talk.
I mean, if I were in that position I would rather control when I die and enjoy the remaining part of my life, than to be condemned to thinking about death, knowing I have only that and pain to look forward too.

So what do you think?
I think it should be legal here .

should be able to do it if they want to. Its their own right to control their life, and evalute their sense of quality.

"We treat dogs humanely, but we treat ourselves like dogs."

.:. Anyways, I got really hyped up about it when I was talking to my mum to get some points on the speech. Made me see how fucked up this world can be.
So much for freedom of rights.

And I read after some blog entry by Russell Brand. [here]
I totally agree. I will be following that revolution when it comes along. Just for the heck of it.

haha, i bet half of you won't bother reading that blog. too many big words aye?

NOW onto the internet filter...

I could have written a speech on the stupid Internet Filter they are putting up compulsuary in Australia, which will block sites such as piratebay, illegal song sites, porn, yes all your azn dramas too no doubt, etc. There will also be an error rate, meaning normal sites may be blocked as well. Its almost like the school blocks all over again!
And apparently its for the sake of removing "inappropriate material".

Personally its stupid for one BASIC reason.
If people want something, they WILL get it.

There will always be people fighting against the filter and getting around it.
And those people who watch crap like child porn probably know all those secrets in getting around the law, and they are probably the computer nerds themselves.
So it won't stop.
In fact it will probably provoke more hate towards the government as this really is against our freedom of rights and they are controlling us. This is certainly not the right approach.

There are otherways that does not involve sabotaging the internet for all of us:
Catch people via IP addresses who are doing the wrong thing.
Enforce harsher laws.

There is currently a law already in force which allows the governemnt to remove inapporriate material, so we
DO NOT need filter then!

haha, yes my first rant for you all!
Not very interesting.
I doubt you've even read this far.

But if you did, god damn your boring :)
