Friday, May 29, 2009, 11:51 PM

Hurry the fuck up
Get me out of here already


Wednesday, May 27, 2009, 3:32 AM

So far i've done.
Screw waiting till its finished to show people, haha.
The eyes are screwed up, and I shall fix it soon...

Yes a Quickie.

.:.Stupid Maths test tomorrow.
I missed lessons on the polygons and the stupid 'Give reasons and proof' which I now find extremely confusing!!

.:.I've LOST my assignment, since it is currently on my LOST usb.

.:.I got my internet back, and have been downloading to find that I have only 17mB left on my 250GB harddrive that I share with my brother. I had to delete a Scrubs dvd, to make extra space.

.:. I hate mini tennis, and since returning to it, have renewed such hatred.

.:. Made my hair more fucked up-ier, thanks to my uncontrollable need to cut it, and fix up my ugly layers.
My fringe is now slanted ish, as I tried to even it up, but not ruin my side fringe that I was trying to grow.

.:. Will attempt to change properly to VA tomorrow. Yes, Ms OD did LOL at me for bringing in the same WRONG note from last time. *sigh*

.:. Notices that most people around me are not happy anymore.

.:. Is surprised Mr Goyki is growing a Quiff. haha.


Watch that Ball!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009, 1:39 AM

When you run across wet field, I’ve learnt not to fall.
Otherwise you will fall into a mass of mud.
Because if you fall, you will be submersed with the guck.
The type of guck that likes to stain your shirt.
And even when you take off that shirt, and wash it, you will always remember that day, and where the stains used to be.

But I don’t fall, I remember the mud that stuck to my shoes.
Overtime my shoes turn faded.
And I will remember why.

I will remember why till the day that I fall thanks to the lack of grip
From my holey shoes
My ugly shoes.
Into the mud.

I’m selfish.
To not want to fall.
Even though, inside I feel like I will slip at any moment.
Everything would be too overwhelming if I did.

And so, to stop that from happening, I walk on.
Carefully I step
To the goal post.
And defend.

Defend everything I stand for.
Because I will eventually be knocked down by a ball.
I know that.

I was never a good goal keeper.
And will never be.

So I stand, hands at a ready, and close my eyes, wishing,
That whatever is thrown at me next,
I won’t fall.

But am I crazy if a part of me wants to?

lol :)

Monday, May 25, 2009, 12:21 AM

The sleep over was of course the best part.
Emma and I got a lift to the zoo by my father.
It appeared we were sharing this event with
about 30 Bally guys. Another 60 would be coming the next week. Macka had done this all the week before.
We were given free shirts, mine is oversized, and have to wear them.
Then we were briefed on what was going to happen in "Project Penguin".

Apparently we have to enter this competition for the best entry for creating awareness of the ferry penguins, and also they said they would call up Channel 7 and get stuff put on TV.

We also got to go on a night walk/ tour of the zoo.
It was really cool when I got to
pat a mountain goat and also a snow leopard said hello to me (aka chuffed) :D
Yes, I’ve lea
rned how to say hello in both elephant and wild cat language :)
They also told
us story of when this komodo dragon escaped the enclosure...Generally it was a pretty cool experience, although sometimes the Wildlife Instructors really should put some lexical density into their language. We missed out on one enclosure thanks to the lack of it.

Oh also we took notes on some conservation programs, etc. Yes quite boring however we got to pat a Bandicoot ( wasn't it?) and I also wanna join the YATZ (Youth at the Zoo) where you work with animals.
Its from ages 13 - 19.
Cool huh?

Dinner x.

Shitty sausages, and extremely spicy BBQ sauce. I gave Darren like all my food.

Our cabin was all the girls in MSC, who were placed in one room: the library.
It had a kitc
hen which contained chilled water, coffee, microwave, kettle, tea, ice cubes, wine.
Yes, I said wine. Me and Tian checked out the fridge and were like OHH ;]
Haha, then the Bally boys overheard/checked it out themselves and wanted to steal it.
Of course we said that we were saving it for ourselves, as we found it first.
Anna, Eilis, Tian and me protected it from them and Liam when he came in. Well Anna actually kicked the door close whenever he tried to open it...

Anyways, somehow the teachers found out and took it away. Lol they were like "who were the girls making sure no one took the bottles?...Good job"
I doubt we would have had any, just so you know.

Everyone was awake in our cabin till about 1 or 1:30...possibly 2. Gossiping (truth black jack, stories, ringing randoms, etc) was happening in every corner.
Our corner had Me, Anna, Eilis, Tian and Zahra.
Originally Me, Tian and Eilis were going to pull an all nighter, but Eilis backed out since we were too boring haha. That left it to us, who succeeded :D

Lol it was funny when everyone needed to go to the bathroom at the same time, and the teachers were still patroling near the bathrooms, and were fully interigating people when they came passed.
We wanted to go in twos:
Anna + Me
Tian + Eilis
Chia + Liz
and I think Pascale went prior.
I pretended
to have period cramps so that we wouldn't be asked to many questions as to why we were going out in twos.
I find it funny how our room was pretty much ignored even though we were both one of the loudest and had heaps of activity really late.
The boys room actually ended up having Ms Maggs (i think) or someone actually stand there until everyone went to sleep.

We got off lucky :)

.Tian cut her Project Penguin Shirt and she also cut it for Anna- which turned out really fail, but its super lo
l now since they have to wear it for EVERY time we miss school for the program.
I was going to cut my collar, but decided to fuck that idea as
a) I would muck it up
b) What was the point?
c) I did cut slits in the side. - gives character xD
d) Why the fuck should I bother?

Hmm, well Merrick and Aaron was in our room ( was Jack there? ).
As me, Tian and Eilis were starting to run low on conversational things and since Anna had gone to bed, we decided to go outside as we were told that the teacher had stopped giving a fuck about everything ( aka sleeping?) and all the other cabins were moving around.
Of course w
e had the "bathroom" excuse at the ready.
As we were walking back, we started chating to Jamie and his friends, quietly. We asked them if they wanted to come back to our room to chat, since it would be more interesting, but we gernerally decided NAAH.
Just as we were finishing the conversation, we heard noised from the tents erupt (where the teachers slept) and were like SHIT.
We tried to bail-walk but a security guard or some teacher was like:
“Oi girls, come here!”
And me and Tian explained that we had gone to the bathroom and saw the guys awake and just said hi.
Then he went to Eilis: “Wait”
And started telling her off as if she was the one doing something wrong, somewhat ignoring the story me and Tian had just told.
Always suspect the short one!

On our way back, we warned everyone that the coast was NOT CLEAR.
Then Merric
k and Aaron hid in the kitchen, as there was a lack of place to hide.
Ms Maggs walked in and was full staring at them, but then walked off, as if she didn’t see em.
It wa
s so funny.
Then they somehow managed to get back to their rooms without getting caught...lol.
And that corner pretty much went to sleep after that.

Which left Tian, Moni and me.
Yeah poor Moni was having trouble sleeping *hugs*

3:30AM ++
We used ice cubes to help stay awake.
Me and Tian were finally one of the last ones awake wen I decided to tell Tian a scary horror story.
She started getting all paranoid and believes she saw a face shadow on the wall.
Hahaha, it lasted for like an hour.

Then we all se
emed to calm down.
Then we chatted for a while about random things...

Until 6am when we had to get up for the new day.
We had succeeded in our all nighter ♥

6:00 AM start.
We had to get up so we could feed the giraffes at 7:30 and get the day started.
My eyes were tired, my brain sort of slow but it was alright for the time being. I could keep up with everything, i guess.
The giraffes are pretty much like giant horses. I didn't get to feel the toungue though, but I did get a bit of slober >(

We went to the beach to go through the lesson we will teach the children about the ferry penguins and their environment. BUT randomly in the distance whilst the instructor was talking, this black smoke came from the centre point tower and we were like OMG. BOMB/FIRE/WTF.
One of the instructors rang her husband and checked the news that there had been a Fire at the center point tower or something.

Pretty cool.
But the smoke faded just as fast as it had shown up.
EDIT:// BTW it was a fire in Westfield near the Center Point Tower.

OH yeah, hahaha at those nice gay photos with that pink bag, Madame xD

So we went off to get the kids.
I was partnered with Tian
Lets describe them:
*Two of them are pretty alright. Nothing bad I can say about them.
*This kid called Harrison (the better looking one of the group) was really cute, withdrawn but had that kind quality about him. I love him =]
*This other kid who we have dubbed "Spac" really annoys me. He tries to manipulate us into liking him and letting him do all this crap we don't want him to do.
And he always goes off with his bestie, which is like in Donny and Luca's group, although I don't mind. One less person to worry about I suppose.

At the beach he kept telling us to shutup, and was being a little so and so.
AND THEN TIAN threatened him that when we went to visit him at his primary school, he would be removed from all activities and would sit alone.
Haha, good on ya!
Then, one of the teachers came up to our group, and Harrison being really sweet and sticking up for us mentors said "Miss, "SPAC" has been very rude to them." awwwww.
Lol then Spac got his ass whipped.
And threatened to be removed from the program altogether. Obviously he was currently troublesome in class with that attitude of his, and people were aware of it.
Also we found out that he isn't liked by another of our little minons D:

Overall, once his attitude is under control, he is okay, but you get the sense that he wants to be accepted by us but at the same time get everything his way.
And he needs to justify everything so we belive it too.

Generally, that day, we kinda lost track of all the kids, but they are big enough to look after themselves I guess.
Me and Tian were about to fall asleep. I couldn't keep focused on things. If I was moving I felt alright, but sitting staring at something made my eyes all droopy. And the pinching thing wasn't working anymore to make me feel awake. Though, after the beach time with the kids , we felt alive again :D

WE played a gay ass version of Truth and Dare.
We as in Anna, Eilis, Gus, Me, Tian, Zahra (Matt, Matt and Chris were sort of there..but not playing)
Course we are pretty pussy.
I mean I woudn't be (to some extent) if everyone else was willing, but that just wasn't the case.

Me and Eilis had to kiss Jesse on the cheek. lol.
Anna and Zahra had to put nose to nose with Matt P.

Lol those were shitty dares ( and it was quite a short bus ride) , but no one would get close to Matt and iono...it just failed? haha.
Or course there were the truths...

After we arrived, Me, Eilis, Anna, Gus and Matt went to the servo to buy stuff curtosey of Matt. I'm eating some of those chocolates now :)
Then my bus came on time unfortuately.

And that is where my story somewhat ends.


NOTE: Finish Commerce Revision!!! Haha I'm too tired!! Plus I need to finish watching Slumdog Millionaire by 8:30pm. I'll review it later.
Night! x.

Just Some Words
Thursday, May 21, 2009, 3:23 AM

I agree with Chia.
No one is blogging lately.
I should really blog about art camp.
I know I should
And I will....eventually.

Today was alright. My brain really didn’t work for most of the day. I suppose its the fact that I need to get back into the routine of things.
But despite that, it did go really fast.

I was eilis’ replacement since she was sick. We had to analysis this picture book on homelessness.
Aareev was fixed on the idea that this 10 year old kid who STOLE A CAT was a junkie.
It was pretty funny.
And Jack (small) was on our table.
It’s the first time I think I’ve had a conversation with him.
He is pretty cool.
And Mr Quill let us "work" on our analysis all lesson, meaning we didn't have him going on about crap like he loves to do.
I suppose English was the best subject all day.

I think I might be starting to fall seriously behind.
I am just unable to remember things, and I apply the wrong apporach to some questions.
Maybe I need a tutor

I’m changing electives to VA and Ms SHEEP decided to make me have “proof” that I’m doing well enough in all my other subjects so she can see that I will be able to catch up on the work.
WTF has that got to do with anything?
Lets say I’m failing at Commerce, and I want to change to something I’m good at. So I have to be good at everything else to do it?
Seriously WTF.
And if she says “no” then I’m going to MS Wyndham to complain.
There is no problem with me changing, except the effort to change rolls. Plus my parents have control over MY education, which comes first.
THEREFORE I should win in the argument.

I hate lunch meats.
Didn't eat anything but a mandarin and an apple.
Maybe that was why I felt sick in the arvo?

I may be rather inactive, possibly.
If I sign in too many people talk to me.
And I can't actually do what I want to.
I'll log on when I'm prepared to speak.

I love the band low....well it isn't the best, but I like em ;D
I actually only have 2 songs, Sunflower and Point of Disgust.
They are both from the Skins Season 2 soundtrack.
Thanks Fi ♥
Anyways, last night I left Point of Disgust on repeat....and it has player 162 times.
Its the song thats playing right now on the blogspot playlist.
Its a shitty version though, i don't like it that much to the one on my ipod.

I only have one song on the playlist right now, i'll add more later!

I'm working on my piano song.
Acutally I started a new one, that is both easy to play and can be sung lyrically.
Perhaps I'll post a video when i'm done :D


OKAY, that was a crappeh blog.
In compensation
I'm going to leave you with some awesome photography from art camp. (the one up the top is one too)
Enjoy :)
Only click on the last one if you can.
All the others are massive.

Saturday, May 16, 2009, 10:51 PM

LUFF BUDDY. I luff you. Lol at our tick babies.
So what are the themes for this post?
Art Camp, Clothes, Photos

Lets start off with Art Camp.
I’m pretty excited. It’s a chance to escape my parents and have a bit of an adventure. Plus since I like art, and it is an art camp…IT ALL WORKS OUT :D
Currently I’m in a room with Meggles, Anna, Gina and possibly Keely.
We had to steal a cabin from someone, as they weren’t at the meeting to sort out where we are. Stupid teachers couldn't book enough cabins, apparantly.
Currently we are next to the guys and next to Fiona, Emily, Suzie and Xinna.
Thankyou Emma, Cathy and Erin for swapping with them :D
Now we can sneak too and fro and have some good party times!!

a) Do an all nighter on the second night
b) Watch the decent TV / The movie on my ipod whilst snuggling in my sleeping bag
c) Card/Poker night?
d) LOLLIES + Party
e) Open the buttons of the doona and make a little tent inside ♥
f) NOT do the talent quest – or if we do, do the “Worlds Giant Doctor” sketch from Scrubs.

That’s all for now.
I doubt much will happen.
Haha, like none of these plans will happen.

Right now I have to clean my room from all the packing
And wash my hair.
Oh and today I went shopping for some clothes.

I saw this really nice long sleeve that was 88 dorra. And it was like a sweater, and had cute bows on it. Yeah, Dangerfield is fucking expensive as always.

I want to show you the skills of enhancing color.
I only touch the color + lighting (eg. brightness and contrast)
I NEVER EVER rub out, change or clone out imperfections.
CAN I JUST NOTE that I look horrible in the originals because I purposely used a really unflattering light so that once I edit it, it looks better, as you can tell.

yeah, my fringe went all fcking spaztic.
Now you see how the orignal image is? Its so ugly aye.

The magic of color.
It makes a heap of difference.

I suppose now the argument of "is that really you?" can apply. But its kinda obvious that the first image is altered. THERFORE the audience can see that it has been changed to look better. Its not like I post up a normal image (eg second one) and fix up my nose and change it all up, so i appear totally like someone else.
I make it so the audience can tell i've changed it.

some more random pics that i've taken.

What do you think...

I belive so. but I like these lies.
It stops me from feeling so insecure.

YESTERDAY I HAD A TICK ON ME, but thats another story for another time :)

Dylan Moran
, 9:48 PM
&&fridayDylan Moran.

The city is awake.
Its time to start the show.

Walking through the city at night is both riveting and satisfying. It makes you feel alive, alive with sound, alive with sight, alive with the atmosphere. I live in Sydney, but not once in so many years have I visited our very own city at night. The very same city I take for granted.
In general, I have always preferred country landscapes, town, and places with the sense of freedom and beauty among it. I have pretty much disliked cities as they look ugly with all their concrete infrastructure, crowded environment and lack of green grass.
But at night it all changes.
I can see how people pull all nighters in the city with parties, etc.

But onto the main point…
I was off to see stand up from famous DYLAN MORAN! I’m sure you’ve heard me going on about it at some point. And to describe it in one word was: fantastic!

It felt only like 5 minutes that he was there, when if fact it was like…and hour and a half or so? Gaah, I neeed more!
Haha, everyone laughed heaps. My mum also enjoyed it a lot too, and so did that Igor dude in Year 8 that went, who I didn’t actually see.
I just love it when hecklers shout out things and the comedian is forced to say something witty, which is always just hilarious.

I wanted to take some photos but:
a) They were banned.
b) I wanted to respect everyone else and him
d) I didn’t want to draw attention to myself.

Lol, he went off at this person who kept taking photos threw her camera phone. It was funny and everyone like cheered.

Might I also add that this guy with a fat head sat in front of me? Meaning it sort of disrupted my view. I had to keep leaning on my side to see passed him to see Moran’s lovely chubby features.

For the second half, they installed a camera on the top level which I was sitting on. It could have been there, or put somewhere else for the first half.
I’m so happy!
Now I’m gonna buy the DVD muhahahahah.
And try and spot myself.
And then I can brag to everyone that I was in the audience.
Man, how much of a fucking narcissist am i?

Oh yes, they did sell alcho just like I figured. I suppose one of the reasons why shitty comedians do well is that their audience is drunk.
But of course Mr Moran was too good for that. You couldn’t be very drunk otherwise you might not be able to understand his jokes.
Most of the jokes were more for older people (20 onwards?), but I still understood them. That’s probably why those older comedians appeal to me, as their material isn’t alien at all.

Yes, and he could be my father.
He is old enough.
He already has a 10 year old daughter.

You know I wouldn’t mind being a comedian. In fact that would make a lovely career. Although I lack the very basics of being one:
a) super outgoing
b) comfortable in front of heaps of people
c) self secure
d) good at jokes
I ain't talking about those pre-prepared material ones. Im talking about those that you make up on the spot. The stuff that really tests how funny you really are.
haha, lets see me in like 10 years from now and see how well I am then.

Also I would really want to know if Dylan is really like he is on stage as he is in person?

Something short I found on youtube.
Enjoy x.

What do you believe?
Saturday, May 9, 2009, 2:10 AM
\\:What do you think?://

Lately i've been rather interested in...yes spirits, or whatever you want to call them (i don't believe in ghosts...) They have always held my interest thanks to anecdotes I have been told from a range of sources. And many of these stories have been true. I've been questioning reality too. Not really reality, but how our world has been constructed, how it works and what is possible. Its like a puzzle i'm putting together, that I WILL find out at the very end.

Just to get the record straight:
I believe everyone has a right to believe in whatever they want to.
I’m not religious.
I do not believe in a God per say.
I believe in the equality of people, and any form of hierarchy in religion (eg, with angels) smells fishy, fueling my non believerism (I don’t think that’s a word…)
I must admit, I have prayed in my lifetime.

I have a different idea of how this world works:
I believe that something happens after you die, although I’m unsure.
At the same time, I don't really care what truly happens after death, as either way its inevitable
I believe in the 6th sense.
I believe there is more to the world than we can see with our very eyes.

Anyways here are some pictures I took at Norfolk Island (my shitty holiday) from the beginning of 08.
I went on this “Ghost Tour” with my mum, since this place was a prision for convicts, and one of the worst. They pretty much tortured people.

NOTE: DO NOT CLICK ON THE IMAGES UNLESS I TELL YOU TO - they are massive! If you want to look at them properly, do click on them, but save them so u can look at them properly.

And for those who are not my friends and who have come across my blog somehow..don't steal these pics! Or any pics that are mine!

Now, before you start looking at them, I did not move or shake the camera at ALL. And just for those who have seen those images where you see similar light effects like these, those photographers keep the shutter (the closing thing) on the camera set to a really low speed so it lets more light in. But as a note, the light has to have travelled in that direction to be captured in the image.
These images prove that the light travels this way, even if our naked eyes couldn't have seen it

Taken with flash, click to see.

Taken, pitch black, no flash. You can see a weird smoke thing appearing. May want to click on this image and have a look?

This may have been caused by the lighting behind, so possibly just naturally happened....but it still looks cool :)

Taken right after eachother.

The exact same wall taken within a small interval. The one below is a little bit more zoomed in. That man is actually there btw...he ain't no ghost lol.

Similar scene, the one below is more zoomed in and facing up.

I took a picture of the house after, but i think I deleted it. It was normal, no weird color and lighting. The thing going into the sky is the candle light...

Normal Candle. Compare this to the ones above

so what do you believe?

spooky aye?

NOTE: i have no idea what caused these images, i'm just guessing here since it WAS on a ghost tour...
there is probably a very reasonable scientific reason behind these images...but i am yet to figure it out.

Thursday, May 7, 2009, 12:03 AM
//:PRINTS ://
Yes, i'm selling my photography online!!

Buy art

Also check out my DA:

I'll post some pics you haven't seen yet which which I am either planning to sell or is already up.



Wharf at Luna Park

Shelley Beach Picturettes

My account is like ghostly...no one ever visits it.
Whatever, maybe i'm not cut out to be a money-making photographer...

The art on there is freakish.
I'm quite tempted to sell T shirt art instead as there appears to be actual money going on in that part.Something I was considering to sell as T-SHIRT art...should i?

Oh yeah, and my mum saw my DA.
She pretty much doesn't like my pics except the "JUMP" one.
Not that I really care to much.
I'm actually quite motivated now to do better pictures that not only sells but people like more.

I don't know, but since all my life, putting what I have said aside, I try and try to gain my mother's acceptance.
She doesn't really accept me. Or if she does she certainly isn't that proud of the way i've turned out. Regardless of how angry I am of her, i want to please her.
All her critisism actually effects me.
Even if its suppose to be "improvement"
Sometimes I really don't feel able to deal with the critisism, even if its playful.

Its getting better now...

Onto Todaii...

I like our bus talking group that we had today.
Cindy, Emma, DonDon and me :)
And it was so much quieter without the half of the Year 8's (who missed the bus) and the Year 7's who are on camp.

In English was the first detention i've had since Year 6 due to not fully completing the homework.
It made me think just how much of how well i am of staying out of trouble than i was compared to my older self.
Primary School
♥2 green cards (3 meant suspension - which was a unvalidated rumour) due to full arguing with a teacher, and he wouldn't agree that I was right, the other for wagging a bit of class in kindy.

♥ Usual detentions, especially through K- 3. I kinda grew up onwards.
I found it quite relaxing, sitting there and spacing out, staring at the other kids play.
I didnt see it as a punishment at all.

haha, I even remember the time I stole my best friend's pokemon cards even when I was fully aware of the fact that her name was written on the back of all the cards.
I like the thrill of doing something wrong, playing with the boundaries.

how very H A R D C O R E .

This pretty much shows that today I have more skills in lying and deception than those days.

So, Mr Quill forced us to write a paragraph or two for an opening.
Here is my work, since I feel like posting it:

On the concrete step Jess sat, alone. In silence she exhaled the crispy night air that chilled her to her very being. She was wearing the mere basics; shirt, shoes and shorts. No coat, no nothing to keep her warm. Her eyes exposed her tired state, her hands grubby from the dirt and her hair tangled into a mess of tassels. It appeared she had been out in the wilderness all day.
"Where are you Jasper?" she whispered jitterly. The spasms of shivers where finally getting to her.
In her hand she clentched a red dog collar decorateed with "Jasper" etched onto the fabric charismatically.


Oh yes, today Taz had a rip in his pants and we went to the library to staple it shut, but the stapler was attached to a string and the last thing we wanted was for everyone to see plus the library NAZI's to be asking questions like "what are you doing?"
To make matters worse he had athletics training in the arvo, so stapling would really only be a temporary solution.
So we headed to textiles to sow it on, but Ms Harding pretty much said he didn't need to sow it, but we realised that it would probably rip even more.

IN the end I leant him my PE shorts that I accidently brought to school.
He is like size 16 whereas I'm 12.
hahaha :)
I feel kinda sorry for him, that all this embarrasing things happen to him though.
Oh weeell.

That raps it just about up for todays post.
Oh and I really want to put my "Rivers Flows In You" by Yiruma playing skills to the test on an actual piano rather than a keyboard.
I can play like 2/3 of the song.


x. ♥

new layout x.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 3:50 AM
Tell me what you think in the CBOX =]

Still needs touch ups here and there.


Sunday, May 3, 2009, 1:06 AM
Today I hung out with Whitneeeeey and Emmmmaaa.
Yeah and I was 20mins late.

We pretty much chatted for 4and a half hours, which was not long enough in my opinion.
It reminded me of the good old times.

Haha, I was really tempted to post up the video of us all singing like looney’s in the park really loudly (I think those people were looking) and how horrible we sounded.
But since its so embarrassing I won’t =]
Although its certainly going into the “Memories” pile.
Sorry Whitney, due to Emma's harrassment in posting this post faster I couldn't blur out your face. Anyways, this is us hanging upside down on some bridge thing on the play equipment =]
Yeah Emma was the one taking most of the pics therefore she is in hardly any of em.

I really loved lying on the grass facing the clouds and talking, giggling and listening to music, which I didn’t really hate but would have preferred my own. It was ok though xD
I don’t know why, but just lying there just makes you feel happy.
You reach a sense of inner peace and satisfaction.
Instead of school I often consider leaving to sit on a hill somewhere and just stare at the clouds above as they pass me by.
And think or succumb to my music.
Or be with friends, and enjoy myself lying there.

But those stupid telegraph lines were in the way.
“I wonder what its like to be electrocuted.”

OMG Calvin’s voicemail recording is HILARIOUS.
Go steal his phone and ring him.
That’s apparently him before his voice broke.
What a girl xD

And that phone swapping was very interesting too ^_^
OH AND TOTAL LOL at the moment where it looked like I was coming onto Whitney in that photo!
You should have not deleted it Ems!!

After all that me and Emma went to Gloria Jeans to get something to eat.
I love the pear and raspberry toast.
Thanks Emma =]

What a lovely girls day out.
I wonder what it would have been like if Will and Calvin had come?


On a seperate note:
Google Street view is cool.
You can check out ANYWHERE in the world.
Actually thats a lie:
Only the UK, some of Scotland, some of Europe, American, Japan and Oz.

Its really cool, cos its like driving along in a car taking in the scenery and the culture.

And yes, I can see all ur houses if you've brave enough to give me your addresses.
Haha, PEDO.

OH i found Mr Campbell trying to cross the road illegally, exactly what MR Tomlin tells us not to do.
Caught red handed mate.
I'm gonna tell him next history maybe xD

Mr Campbell, you naughty boy.

I had a interesting dream last night, but thats another story.

Athletics Carny x.
Friday, May 1, 2009, 3:52 AM

Yeah, there aren't any pics this blog.

I forgot my camera at home today and Anna has all the pics somewhere..

Gah, I'm worse at athletics now unlike I used to be.

It was my one thing I could feel good and overachieve in.

There is a difference to educational likes(eg writing) and physical thing.

Physically you feel more exhilarated, whereas studying you aren’t there moving. Its all in your head.

And I don’t really have that competitive drive anymore.

Its there, but rather weak.

And I miss it.

Helen was one of my besties in primary school and we were pretty much equally talented in sports (although she was WAAAYYYY smarter than me!)

We were each other’s drive and i suppose even is today ♥

Since Helen (who I miss heaps and love even more) sadly goes to a different school to me (North Sydney Girls) Erica and Maria are now my lovely competitive drives here, and I hope I am for them aswell. They keep me going, although I feel as though I don’t care anymore, and don’t want to try.

Thank you, I love you both

And you two did fantastically good!

Now I actually want to try hard for next year.

Maria, I hope you feel better now too ^_^

Anyways, today I got reserve for Triple Jump (I think, or maybe 2nd reserve) and for Long jump.

Twas fun I guess.

Haha when I got home I had:

- Half a packet of Doritos

- Nutella sandwich

- A slice of sponge cake

- Mandarin

- Milk


I actually ate that much cos it stopped me from feeling sick, weirdly.

But now I don’t think I’ll be eating anything till tomorrow arvo or night.

I’m not really in a blogging mood.

I’ve just had somewhat indepth MSN conversations that have taken a lot out of me today, not to mention the exercise.

So therefore I’ll leave it there.